Tuesday, October 20, 2009

warm night

I think i post too much today. XD
Nothing to do mah...
Went to bankit just to buy a pathetic bottle of pokka green tea. LOL
At least went out awhile.
I'm bored to tears the whole day. Damn!
Actually going somewhere else de...
In the end, i'm still in my prison. :(
I can't stop perspiring today.
Not a lot, just a little.
But i find it disgusting. ;x
So i bathe for about three time today.
Feel more comfortable. :)
School reopens tomorrow.
I'm kinda scare for my results.
I doubt i can get any Bs.
To make the day worse, there's Dnt course.
Hope i enjoy it.
3 long periods of theory.
I can make it! Yes! (Like so not...)
Just try my best then.
I plan to bring my wallet and phone to school only. ;x
Okay, maybe plus a pencil or pen. Yeah.
Cool. Nonono. Maybe bring a bag. LOL
I think i will feel uncomfortable without a bag. Hmmmm...
I don't think there's anything to post about le.
I guess that's all. :)
Goodnight, again, hope tomorrow will be a great one.

Ps: I miss you. :(

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